Monday, July 1, 2013

On the Asian part of Egypt

On the Asian part of Egypt

Egypt, widely known as the land of pyramids devises a lot more than these towering symbols of political power. Egypt is a land separated in two continents and lying just below another. It’s a nation where diverging cultures have converged and civilization had started long before much of mankind enlightened.
The Suez Canal separates Egypt. The western side falls in Africa while the much unknown east falls in Asia. The African Egypt is where capital Cairo and the Giza Civilization relics lie. The east is modern with much more peaceful people and of course the vast Sinai dessert.
I had visited the city of Sharm El Sheikh leading a team to an UN environmental conference. Sharm el Sheikh is very much an eco-friendly wonder itself. By road it takes about seven hours to reach from the capital Cairo. On the way the magnificent Suez Canal is traversed. The road goes through a tunnel below the Suez. The canal itself has bright blue beautiful water and many large ships and vessels can be seen around. There are also many resorts around the Suez area.
The road then winds through the vast Sinai dessert. For me it was the first experience of driving through a desert landscape. The landscape is very different to what we observe in tropical countries. The animals and plants also look a bit different and more adapted to the harsh heat. Upon reaching Sharm El Sheikh the bus directly stopped at our resort, Maritime Jollyville. The five-star resort has all it takes to make it a luxurious stopover, from a large swimming pool in the centre to a grand auditorium where the UN conference took place.
The city of Sharm El Sheikh is mainly resort orientated and each resort is like a small town. The main shopping zones are Na’ama Bay and Alf Lela wela. There are shuttle buses from the resorts to these areas while taxis are also available. The live night shows in these areas are amazing; with different displays featuring classic Egyptian dances. The shops in these areas sell various items including souvenirs and bargaining is widespread. There are also shops which arrange day trips and rent out quad bike rides on the beach. Another popular location, The Soho Square is a modern shopping zone and has brand outlets along with posh restaurants and bars.
Located 12 km from the city of Sharm El Sheikhat the southern extreme of the Sinai Peninsula is the Ras Muhammad National Park. The park overlooks the red sea. The islands of Tiran and Sanafir are part of the park. The littoral habitats include a mangrove community, salt marshes, inter-tidal flats, a diversity of shoreline configurations and coral reef ecosystems that are internationally recognised as among the world’s best. In addition a diversity of desert habitats such as mountains and wadis, gravel plains and sand dunes are also found in the park. There are guided tours available to the park from the city. Swimming in the red sea and snorkelling are the facilities on offer.
Mount Sinai is said to be the place where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God; indeed, the Arabic name Gebel Musa means “Mount of Moses”. Located about a three-hour bus ride from Sharm El Sheikh is Mount Sinai and at its foot is the Saint Catherine Monastery. It was constructed by order of the Emperor Justinian between 527 and 565 AD during the Roman Era. St.Catherine consists of a museum consisting of several paintings and illustrations about the Saints and Jesus. There is also a remarkable library consisting of 3300 manuscripts, the oldest of which dates back to the 4th Century. St.Catherine has for centuries been a meeting place for pilgrims and regarded as a very holy site.
Travelling through the vast Sinai and visiting St Catherine and Ras Mohammed was indeed fascinating. The people of Egypt are welcoming and love foreigners like us visiting their land. If you plan to visit Egypt a few extra days on the Asian Front of the land of pharaohs can always be a recommended tour.

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